Helsby to Frodsham Cycle Route Consultation

The plan for Helsby and Frodsham to have better, safer cycling and walking links to promote active travel options.


 Proposed improvements for cycling & walking between Frodsham & Helsby.


CNC welcomes the Council’s recognition of the need and plans to improve the safety of the A56 between Helsby and Frodsham. This is the first step in the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure plan to create a continuous route for residents of all ages to be able to cycle or walk safely between the Halton border and Helsby. See Newsflash: 23rd June 2020. 

So what are the proposals? 

   They are described in Section 3 of the CWaC questionnaire and in the Engineering design. (Click on this link to view the plan in a detailed drawing, as shown below.)

In summary the main improvements include : 

  •    Segregated cycle tracks between Netherton Hall & Helsby HS.
  •    Widened footpath on the A56 by Castle Park
  •    A new Toucan crossing for cyclists & pedestrians at Helsby HS.
  •    Speed limit reduced from where it is to currently 50 mph to 40 mph , i.e. from Hornsmill School to Frodsham will be 40 mph.


Consultation map 



   Why should you bother to respond? 


  • Because government funding is dependent on community support and we know your views haved counted a lot already. 
  • Feedback from residents and pupils of Helsby High School says the A56 is unsafe to cycle or walk along in many places. Helsby High School Survey
  • Local residents suggested 140 different ideas.


           So it is very important that you let the Council know your reaction to the proposal by Sunday 21st February please. This link will take you to the survey http://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/ProposedNewCycleInfrastructure


        Over to you now to let CWaC know your views.  For example you may want to say : 


            “This is really good news and I’m sure they will make the A56 much safer.     But 


             “Why don’t cycle tracks continue through to Bates Lane in Helsby?”


             “How will cyclists be given priority at the Tarvin Road/A56 junction?”



   Will the design meet official standards? 


  The Department for Transport issued an excellent Guide (LTN 1/20) to Cycling & Walking Infrastructure in July, which states in the ‘Introduction’ that :


      “proposed schemes will be checked against the summary principles before funding is agreed and finished schemes will be inspected for compliance.”


      CNC has checked some aspects of the design which shows that this guide has been used as a benchmark. An example is that the segregated cycle 


     track design meets the required 1.5m minimum width requirement and will have a ‘desirable’ 1.0m safety buffer zone between the track and the road.







If there are any comments you would wish us to take on board then please email cyclencheshire@mail.com


Originally prepared by Ashley McCraight & Steve Pemberton in January 2020.