1. Introduction
The ‘Cycle North Cheshire’ forum, which was originally constituted as The Weaver and Sandstone Cycle Forum’, was set up in 2013 to advocate, promote and monitor cycle use in the area of North Cheshire from Ellesmere Port to Halton including Helsby, Frodsham, Kingsley and surrounding areas. The primary objective is to encourage and facilitate the use of cycling as a popular mainstream mode of travel & leisure with accessible routes, which are safe, convenient, comfortable, and attractive as possible for adults and children.
By drawing together various local clubs, groups, organisations and individuals to initially identify local needs; the group aims to achieve specified objectives by working with influential regional and national organisations that have aligned objectives.
2. Objectives
- To promote cycling as a part of the national & local cycling strategies, with the ultimate aim of helping to increase the frequency of trips made by bicycle for both utility and leisure, and encourage long term modal shift.
- To encourage cycle use by influencing at a strategic level for health, environment, recreation, economic and accessibility benefits.
- To provide a mechanism to review proposals and schemes that could impact upon cyclists across the region.
- To facilitate the exchange of ideas between both existing and potential stakeholders, such as cycling groups, businesses, local government, organisations representing health, well-being and community development and transition.
- To encourage and help facilitate local businesses in the provision of goods and services for both the local and transiting cycle trade.
- To encourage local adoption of the Cycling Strategy, which has been accepted, as part of the Frodsham Neighbourhood Plan
3. Delivery of Objectives
Will occur through;
- Identification and proposal of policies, schemes and initiatives that will improve conditions for cyclists and encourage increased numbers of trips undertaken by bicycle, making best use of existing data and with reference to current best practices.
- Connection with relevant stakeholders to ensure all potential development within the area will have outcomes targeted to fulfil the group's objectives and those in the Local Plans and Policies adopted by relevant local Authorities.
- Response to consultations on policies and proposals that will impact in the region.
- The monitoring and feed-back on recommendations and works completed by the local authorities.
- Instigation and completion of projects, as a group, for the benefit of cyclists locally.
Indicators of Success
Success will be measured through;
- Increased cycle facilities for the Region's cycle network.
- Improvement in the safety of the highway network for cyclists.
- An increase in the reach of the CNC forum.
- Data collected on the frequency of cycle journeys within the area, where possible.
4. Governance
A. Membership
- Attendance is open to individuals and representatives from businesses and organisations that support the objectives and are interested in cycling in the region.
- Any person attending meeting is hereafter referred to as a ‘member. The forum consists of those people who are members.
- The forum secretary will keep an up to date membership list.
- The officer positions of Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and Publicity Officer will be elected annually at the AGM by a majority show of hands of those present.
- The Chairman will normally invite our Patron, local government representatives (unitary authority and Parish) to meetings in order to provide advice and support where appropriate.
B. Financial Matters
- The Treasurer shall provide a finance report at each regular meeting and an independent audit at the AGM.
- Funds must be held in the group’s bank account. All cheques must be signed by the Treasurer & either the Secretary or Chairman.
- Funds can only be used to pay CNC members in respect of legitimate expenses against receipts.
- Funds and property must only be used for the purposes of the group.
- Members shall advise of any real or perceived conflict(s) of interest.
- In the event of the need to make an urgent decision the Chairman will call an EGM.
- In the event of the group being wound up any residual funds will be distributed on an equal basis to Frodsham town council and Helsby parish council.
C. Meetings
- Meetings will normally be held on the second Wednesday of every second month at suitable premises and members will be notified of the meeting location in advance of the meeting.
- An Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held once a year with reports to be provided by the Chairman, Treasurer and Social Media Leader/Webmaster.
- The officer positions of Chair, Treasurer Secretary and Social Media Leader/Webmaster will be elected at the AGM by a majority show of hands of those present.
- A quorum will be deemed as at least 5 regular members including not less than 2 elected officers.
- Minutes will be circulated in draft form within one month of the meeting, until formal acceptance at the subsequent meeting.
- The meeting agenda and papers to be sent out to representatives at least one week in advance of the meeting.
- Minutes will be posted on the Cycle North Cheshire website when agreed at the subsequent meeting.
- The Treasurer shall regularly report the financial position at committee meetings.
5. Review and Approval of the Constitution
This Constitution shall be reviewed annually and any changes proposed put to the AGM or at a Special meeting for approval by a two thirds majority of the members present.
The Constitution will be posted on the website
Approval of the Constitution
Signature: PJM
Chairman’s name: Dr. Patrick Milroy
Date: 26th November 2018